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Get all features in a project

GET /api/admin/projects/:projectId/features

A list of all features for the specified project.


Path Parameters

  • projectId string required


  • version integer required

    The version of the feature's schema

  • features object[]required

    A list of features

  • Array [
  • name string required

    Unique feature name

  • type string required

    Type of the flag e.g. experiment, kill-switch, release, operational, permission

  • description string nullable required

    Detailed description of the feature

  • stale boolean required

    true if the feature is stale based on the age and feature type, otherwise false.

  • favorite boolean required

    true if the feature was favorited, otherwise false.

  • impressionData boolean required

    true if the impression data collection is enabled for the feature, otherwise false.

  • createdAt date-time required

    The date the feature was created

  • lastSeenAt date-time nullable deprecated

    The date and time when metrics where last collected for this flag in any environment. This field was deprecated in v5. You should instead use the lastSeenAt property on the individual environments listed under the environments property.

  • environments object[]required

    The list of environments where the feature can be used

  • Array [
  • name string required

    The name of the environment

  • type string required

    The type of the environment

  • enabled boolean required

    true if the feature is enabled for the environment, otherwise false.

  • sortOrder number required

    The sort order of the feature environment in the feature environments list

  • variantCount number required

    The number of defined variants

  • lastSeenAt date-time nullable required

    The date when metrics where last collected for the feature environment

  • hasStrategies boolean

    Whether the feature has any strategies defined.

  • hasEnabledStrategies boolean

    Whether the feature has any enabled strategies defined.

  • ]
  • tags object[]nullable

    The list of feature tags

  • Array [
  • value string required

    Possible values: >= 2 characters and <= 50 characters

    The value of the tag.

  • type string required

    Possible values: >= 2 characters and <= 50 characters

    The type of the tag

  • ]
  • ]